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Задать простой вопрос и ответить на него "да" или "нет" 1.i have never been to india. 2.she has just broken a vase. 3.we have cleaned the room. 4.cris has phoned his friend. 5.the train had just arrived.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Have you ever been to india? has she just broken a vase? have we cleaned the room? has cris phoned his friend? had the train just arrived?

Яне знаю, что вставить, но надеюсь перевод кому понадобится 1. forty-six people who (eat) the fish at seafood heaven, a restaurant on the western shore, last thursday night became ill with food poisoning. other people who (eat) at the restaurant that night were unaffected. the fish must (be) bad. 2. scientists (analyse) the data for several days now but they (find) nothing unusual so far. 3. i (get) in touch with you as soon as i (see) my lawyer and (hear) his opinion. i promise i (not /act) without consulting you first. 4. this candidate (look) very promising. just think about his experience. he (live) in hong kong, australia and the usa and (work) for a number of multi-national companies. i (think) we should (definitely / interview) him. 5. when i (leave) london next month i (study) here almost a year. 6. i am getting too fat (wear) any of my clothes because my landlady is such a good cook that i can't resist (have) second helpings of the delicious sweets she makes. 7.1 heard the phone (ring) twice and picked up the receiver quickly. 8. when she opened the window she was happy to see it (snow) at the moment. in fact, it (snow) all night and snow (cover) all the rooftops. 9. he claims (discover) a cure for the common cold. 10. - oh, mum, this programme's nearly finished. can't i go on (watch) tv for a while ? - no, i want you to do your maths homework and then go on (write) your english essay.

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