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Be,was,were-been he has been playing football for 2 hours. – він грає у футбол вже дві години. i have been waiting here for 2 hours! – я чекаю тут вже дві години!

1) have  you read the letter from aunt emily yet? — yes, i have. she wants  to visit us. she will  come next wednesday. 2) why are  you looking  at that woman so attentively? do you know  her? — it seems  to me i have already met  her somewhere. 3) is  jane in the office? yes, she has been typing  some documents since 9 o’clock. 4) the police inspector   has been investigating  this robbery for a week now. he has talked  to all the witnesses already but he hasn't found  the robbers yet. 5) i don't know  how long henry has been working  on that project, but he hasn't finished  it yet. 6) the secretary usually comes  to the office at 9 o’clock, but it is  half past nine now and she hasn't arrived  yet. 7) is  den in his room now? what has he been doing  there since morning? — he has been preparing for the research expedition. he has booked  a plane ticket already and now he is packing  his things. 8) are  you ok, nigel? you look  very pale.— l am  just tired. ihave been working  on mj^ report all night. 9) who has been training  in the gym for half a day now? — ben and alex. they have been preparing  for an international championship for eight months now. they train  every day. 10) how long has  nelly been painting  this picture? — she has been painting  it for a month now. she wants  to exhibit it in our gallery next month.

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