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№1. образуйте от следующих существительных форму множественного числа: fish, woman, foot, money, leaf, information, shelf, box, child, sheep, city, boy, day, knife, family, pen, book, music №2. поставьте существительные в следующих предложениях во множественное число (обратите внимание на изменения в указательных местоимениях и формах глаголов): 1. he keeps his toy in a box. 2. this town is very large. 3. the student put his book on the desk. 4. that house is new. 5. is this a good student? 6. what is your name? №3. поставьте существительные в следующих предложениях в единственное число (обратите внимание на изменения в указательных местоимениях и формах глаголов): 1. your children are very good. 2. my feet are tired. 3. these flowers are beautiful. 4. those are boxes. 5. are there mice under the bed? 6. my teeth are yellow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Fish, women, feet, money, leaves, informatia, shelves, boxes, children, sheep, cities, boys, days, knifes, family, pens, books, music1. your child is very good.  2. my foot is tired. 3. that flower is beautiful. 4. these is box. 5. are there mouse under the bed? 6. my tooth is yellow.1. he keeps his toys in a boxes. 2. these towns are very large. 3. the students put their books on the desks. 4. that houses are new. 5. are these a good students? 6. what are your names?

Usually friends and I plannig our weekend in cafe. On Friday evening we all come to cafe named "Frosty coffee" and while we drink hot latte, we talking about our plans on weekend. We have a tradition. On Saturday we are always go to the "Sweet shop". Where we buy a lot of sweets, lollipops and candy. Than we're go to cinema and watch some movies. I like to spend weekend with my friends

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