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1. take a jacket with you. get colder later in the evening. a) it may not b) it won’t c) it could d) it couldn’t 2. the next train in 10 minutes from platform 4. a) leave b) is leaving c) will leave d) leaves 3. you look tired. i think you go to bed early tonight. a) hadn’t better b) had better c) had better to d) had better not to 4. i always write everybody’s birthday in my diary . a) in order to b) to c) in order not to d) so that 5. yesterday i met a woman son goes to the same class as lucy. a) whose b) who’s c) who d) that 6. the road is new. when it built? a) was b) were c) is d) are 7. you look stressed. if i were you, a holiday! a) i took b) i’d taken c) i’d take d) i was taken 8. it stopped as soon as we got out of the car. a) to rain b) raining c) rain d) be raining 9. sorry. i can’t speak now. i’m in a meeting. i you later. a) ‘m calling b) ‘m going to call c) ‘ll call d) ‘be calling 10. a: how b: not very. a) well can you play chess? b) can you play chess well? c) can you play well chess? d) well can you chess play? 11. have you seen my i’m sure i left them here. a) news sunglasses b) new sunglass c) sunglasses new d) new sunglasses 12. how people work in your shop? a) much b) many c) a lot of d) lots of 13. i’d like coffees, please. a) a b) three c) d) an 14. –how about going out? a) sounds good. but i’m afraid i can’t. b) yes, i can’t miss it. c) that’s unfortunate! d) it’s no big deal. 15. i’m sorry, but i’m not ashamed what i did. a) off b) with c) d) of

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1c 2d 3b 4c 5a 6c 7c 8b 9c 10a  11d 12b 13b 14a 15b

my name is sam (you can write any name). there are some things, that i don’t like about going to school. first of all i can’t wake up so early in the morning. secondly i don’t like some subjects e.g. maths. thirdly, i am not bothered to do my homework. however, there are some things that i like about school. to start with we got p.e. (physical education(урок спорта в называют p.e.) ) three times a week. also we got history and i like it a lot because we learn many new things. finally in school i meet with my friends and talk to them.

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