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Write down the special question to the word in a bold type. 1) on sandays mike's parents often play tennis 2) my nephew always comes to the university in time 3)they have a big refrigerator in the kitchen finish the "tag-questions" using required "tags" and pronouns. 1) anna is the younngest in her family, ? 2) michael always quarrels with his brother, ? 3) there are 3 rooms in your flat, ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) when do mike's parents often play tennis?

2) where does my nephew always come in time?

3) what do they have in the kitchen?


1) anna is the youngest in her family, isn't she ?

2) michael always quarrels with his brother, doesn't he ?

3) there are 3 rooms in your flat, aren't there ?

Ответ на 2  вопрос. today, our planet is in serious danger. acid rains, air and water pollution,global warming, overpopulation are the probleblems that can seriously treaten our life in the future. the seas are in danger. they are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. a lot of forests are cut down or burnt.   for keeping our planet safe we must recognize that it can't go further like this. we should change some things, find an alternative type of fuel for our cars that reduse the air pollution. to get off the overpopulation we should make the travel from one contry to over more easier then the population of our planet will be more distributed. to avoid acid rains we should install filtres on enterprises and also plant more trees than we cut.

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