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1.may i have a piece of that cake, pleasse? 2.may i leave the room, please? 3.may i use your phone? 4.may i bring my sister to your party? 5.may i eat my dinner in the living room, please? 6.may i have a pen, please? a.no, you may not.you casn eat it in the kitchen.b.here you are.c.not yet.it's still very hot! d.yes, but don't be too long.e.yes, of course.f.of course you may.what's her name? : read and match.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. may i have a piece of that cake, please?   - not yet. it is still very hot! 2. may i leave the room, please?   - yes, of course.  3. may i use your phone?   - yes, but do not be too long.  4. may i bring my sister to your party?   - of course you may. what is her name? 5. may i eat my dinner in the living room, please?   - no, you may not. you can eat it in the kitchen. 6. may i have a pen, please? - here you are.

They say, there is a huge optical projector in the almaty planetarium. is it true? - говорят, в планетариуме алма-аты  есть огромный оптический проектор. это правда?

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