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Ilive in paris.i dont like the underground and i dont use it very often.i get to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter.my neighbour is my best friend and i often walk to her house.my granny doesnt live in paris and we get to her house by car or by train.i love the big shops in the centre of paris and always get there by underground.its easier. my father is a businessman and he often flies to london.he can get there by car or by train,but he likes yo fly.

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4,5(34 оценок)

я живу в париже.я не люблю метро и не часто его использую.я добираюсь до школы на велосипеде летом и зимой на автобусе.моя бабушка не живет в париже и мы добираемся до ее дома с машины или поезда.я люблю большие магазины в центре парижа и обычно добираюсь до них с метро.мой папа бизнесмен и часто летает в лондон. он может добраться туда сна машине или поезде,но больше предпочитает летать.

-I can not move because my neck aches.

-Rickie will appear on the theatre stage next season

-Sorry, i am seeing my boss and can not talk to you now

-We are at the stadium and enjoyed every minute of it

-When i hear her sing, i thoughed that she is very talanted

-You look very smart

-Shall i speak louder? Do you hear me?

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