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Составить предложения со словами: to be absent - отсутствовать, to be afraid of - бояться, to be angry- сердиться, to be busy (to be free) - быть занятым (свободным) to be cold - мерзнуть.

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Yesterday i i was absent at the lesson ann is afraid of dogs because when she was a little girl ,big dog rushed at her i am very angry at my friend because she didn't stay with me yesterday i will busy tomorrow i cold because of i didn't have sweater

1. you mustn't speak on the mobile in class. - ты не должен говорить по телефону в классе.2. you must'n talk with friend in the lessson. - ты не должен разговаривать с друзьями на уроке.3. you mustn't fight. - ты не должен драться.4. you must put up your hand to speak. - ты должен поднять руку, чтобы ответить.5. you must listen to the teacher. - ты должен слушать учителя.

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