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Give russian equivalents of the following: * man is an active agent in his own development; * some problems are of broad concern to psychologists; * act of behaviour; * this view focuses on some phenomena; * observable behaviour; * internalized values; higher values; * area of the brain; * equi potential areas; * to give clues about functions; * to remove systematically parts of the brain; * to destroy the tissue electrically; * to observe the kinds of defects that result; * to control muscular activity, * mild electrical currents; * to obtain fairly accurate maps of the cortex; * to implant electrodes; * to affect behaviour; * the record of total brain discharges; * to further psychological understanding; * to jumр to а conclusion; а sort of action; * so-саllеd logical thinking; * sоmеthing for us to feel about; * а much lesser danger; * аn instant fee1ing-based judgement; * to provide а bypass to the judgеmеnt.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Еловек является активным агентом в своем развитии; * некоторые проблемы имеют широкую психологов; * акт поведения; * этот взгляд фокусируется на некоторых явлений; * наблюдаемое поведение; * усвоенные ценности; более высокие значения; * зона мозга; * equi потенциальных областей; * дать подсказки о функциях; * чтобы удалить систематически части мозга; * разрушить ткани электрически; * соблюдать видов дефектов, что результат; * для контроля мышечной активности,* мягкий электрических токов; * чтобы получить достаточно точные карты коры; * имплантация электродов; * влияет на поведение; * запись всего мозга разрядов; * для дальнейшего психологического понимания; * чтобы перейти к а вывод; а рода действий; * так называемое логическое мышление; * что-то для нас, чтобы чувствовать, о; * а гораздо меньшей опасности; * мгновенный fee1ing на основе судебного решения; * а обход судебного решения.

nowadays many people can't live without music. and me too. we can ask why? so i have an answer.  we can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on tv, in the shops and in the parks. people all over the world are fond of music. they listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.  i think that music is the way to relax   and simply to have a start of pleasant time. my favourite style of music is pop music, because it is breathtaking and full of energy. when i listen to pop music it makes me remember happy times and forget the problems of everyday life. it helps me to relax when i'm tired, as i say earlier, and entertains me when i'd like to have fun.

my favourite singer is    annie lennox:   people always make a big deal about pop singers who can sing. it's like they're surprised or something. like, what's  that  about? once a member of the eurythmics, who also featured a guy who would go on to hang out with tom petty, lennox did it without a lot of hair in an era that was mostly big hair. that alone makes her a renegade.i like her.

but my friends like rock music.i can't understand them. they think that it is cool when singers have such strange songs. 

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