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Passive ochen nado please pomogite)) they mustn't leave the children alone. people speak english all over the world. she has left her gloves on the bench. you must give the sick child some medicine. the students will take the books back to the library next week. they invited this famous actor to play the leading part in the new performance. they play golf all over england. she will give us an answer tomorrow. the guide will show the tourists many places of interest of the town. no one can answer such a difficult question. they gave my little sister a beautiful doll.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The children mustn't be left alone. english is spoken all over the world. gloves have been left on the bench. sick child must be given some medicine. books will be taken by students back to library next week. famous actor was invited to play the leading part in the new performance. golf is played all over england. the answer will be given us tomorrow. many places of interest of the town will be shown by guide. such a difficult question can't be answered by no one. a beautiful doll was given to my little sister.

1. the patient is a person who is anxious about himself, who asks another person to help (дополнение) him. 2. doctor wanted to know (дополнение) the patient’s complaints. 3. to make (обстоятельство) sure our bodies get all the vitamins they need, it is best to include (подлежащее) several different vitamin-containing foods in the diet. 5. the primary separation of blood cells using a centrifuge allows red blood cells, blood platelets and granulocytes to be separated (часть сложного дополнения) from each other. 6. the experimentalists found the decrease in body temperature to increase (часть сложного дополнения) urinary secretion. 7. how many reasons does he give to support (обстоятельство) this suggestion?

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