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Перевести нужно,применяя ! не через переводчик учительница ругает много мы сидим в доме за мной лежит кошка над моей головой летают птицы на столе стоит чай напротив нашего офиса стоит магазин у двери лежат конфеты я иду вниз по лестнице ты спускаешься к морю мы пойдём через лес под кроватью лежит книга напротив нашего дома стоит машина на стене весит картина мы идём на холм она плывёт через реку у окна стоит дерево под землёй есть склад

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вдоме или дома? we are sitting at home(если дома)===in  the house(если в доме) the cat is lying behind me the birds are flying above my head the tea is on the table there is a shop opposite our office the candies are lying beside the  door i am going downstairs you are descending to the sea we will go through the forest there is a book under the bed there stops a car opposite our house the picture is hung on the wall we are going up the hill she is swimming across the river there is a tree by the window there is a storehouse under ground

1. the woman said to her son that she was glad to be there. 2. mike said that they had bought those books that day. 3. she says to me that now she can read my translation. 4. the woman said that that man had spoken to her on the road. 5. my classmate said to me that he/she could not explain that rule to me. 6. the teacher says to the class that they will discuss this subject tomorrow. 7. our teacher said that thackeray's novels are/were (зависит от мнения цитирующего) very interesting. 8. she said that they had read that book in the 9th form. 9. nelly said that she had read 'jane eyre' the previous year. 10. alec said that his friend lived in moscow.

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