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Дать ответы на вопросы(на ).how old are parents? how many cllassrooms are there in your school? how many pupils are there in your class? how many boys are there in your class? how many girls are there in your class? how many days are there in november? how many days are there in december? what's your house (flat/school) nymber? what's your friend's house (flat/school) number? '

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Ответы на вопрос:

My parents are 40 years old. there are 30 classrooms in my school. there are 27 pupils in my class. there are 20 boys in my class. there are 7 girls in my class. there are 30 days in november. there are 31 days in december. i study in school number 23. my friends live in the house number 18.

1. - the government tries to reduce air pollution, isn't it? - truly, now there are new instructions for use cars. 2 . children had to collect garbage, huh? 3 . acid rains do many years serious harm to shvedtion's woods. 4 . - you since morning build nesting boxes, isn't it? - yes, i want to finish as soon as possible, join, you will help. 5 . take garden gloves, a rake and a watering can and help the father with a garden.

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