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Составить предложения с выражениями: get get acros s get along get back get in get throught get to get together get up

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Get. i’m going to get a copy of the document. get across 1) перебираться, переправляться using the new bridge to get across will save people a lot of time. get along. she can get along without food. get back 1) вернуть(ся) when did your parents   get back from their holiday? get in.   help me to get the washing in, it's raining. get through. i tried to telephone you but i couldn't get through. get to 1) приниматься за что-л. we must get to work at once. get together .   держать себя в руках you have to get yourself together, no one else can do it for you. get up 1) вставать, подниматься. i hate getting up early.

Iwas trying to get up but my laziness was stronger than me i have to get along with my parents because i still live with  them/ i have to get along without food because my boss refused to give me a salary it was this silly joke that i tried to get across to people honey, you have to get back home! i need to get to moscow, because my wife is ready to divorce with me!   i really got in trouble, and  some italian gangsters are ready to kill we just need to get through the first days of the war and then we'll move abroad, i promise. 

Напишите ей письмо о своей школе эко-клуба . напишите 50-60 слов.прошу вопросы: как долго вы работали как член клуба? что вы делаете в вашем клубе в разные сезоны? добровольной работе в среде популярен в россии, разве"t это?

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