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Вставить some, any, no. 1. i bread. why haven't you bought nick? l time to do it. 2. soup, helen? no, thank you. soup at dinner. i don't more. 3. were mistakes in your paper yes, there 4. why didn't they give postcards to send

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i see no bread. why haven't you bought some, nick? l had no time to do it. 2. have any soup, helen? no, thank you. i had some soup at dinner. i don't want any more. 3. were there any mistakes in your paper yes, there were some 4. why didn't they give us any postcards to send во втором пункте не сильно уверена. может еще кто-нибудь подскажет.

He told me he never (had been) to india. он сказал мне, что никогда не был в индии.i (woke) up late last morning because i (forgot) to set my alarm clock. вчера утром я проснулся поздно потому, что забыл поставить будильник.i (was reading) a library book when i (found) a 10 note between two pages. когда я читал библиотечную книгу, я нашел 10 долларовую купюру между двумя страницами.what (were you doing) at ten o’clock last night? что ты делал в 10 часов вчера вечером? when mary (saw) the question, she (knew) the answer. когда мэри увидела вопрос, она уже знала ответ.

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