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Переведите текст: he was born in august 29,1958.he became one of the most popular actors of his time.his performances were inforgettable.michael jackson become famouse at the age of 10 when his first hit"i want you back"appeared in 1969 but he wasn't typical teenager.in fact he had no childhood because his father made him work hard. in his house"neverland"michael jackson tried to compensate for the childhood he had lost/there were many legends about him.exotic pets,plastic operations,numerouse scandsls with the mass media increased his fame.but for millions of him fans he was alwaysthe kingof pop music,one of the greatest singers.dancres.video makers and performes pop music has ever seen.michael jackson diad in june 25,2009

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Родился в августе 29,1958.he стал одним из самых популярных актеров своего time.his спектаклей inforgettable.michael джексон стал famouse в возрасте 10, когда его первый хит "i want you back" появился в 1969 году, но .. ,

1.today at 9 am i was watching an interesting programm on tv. употребляется в past continuous 2. i was in london last year. past simple, так как время указано и действие уже завершено. 3. what are you talking about? present continuous, в данный момент. 4. every weekend i visit my grandmother. present simple, действие обычное. 5. i was sleeping when someone knocked the door. past continuous, затем действие прерывается и ставится в past simple. 2) 1.she has called us 2. i have eaten my lunch 3. she has taken an umbrella 4. my friend has been in madrid 5. we have spent all our money 6. my sister has seen a trained elephant in india.

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