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Your voice complete the sentences with your own words and these object pronouns. us, them, him, her, it, me. 1 and are my favourite subjects. i love 2 is a horrible subjects. i hate 3 is my favourite singer. i like 4 is a terrible singer. i like 5 is a great teacher. he/she is king to 6 is my classmate. he/she sits next to , прошу .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. maths and .phisics are my favourite subjects. i love apples. 2 chemistry is a horrible subject. i hate it. 3 madonna is my favourite singer. i like her. 4 serdyuchka is a terrible singer. i don't like him. 5 petrov is a great teacher. he is kind to us. 6 masha is my classmate. she sits next to me.

1. opening her handbag, she took out some money. 

she opened her  handbag and she took out some money.  2. entering the room he switched on the light.  when he entered the room, he switched on the light3. being only five years old, the boy didn’t know what to do.  because he was  only five years old, the boy didn’t know what to do.  4. driving to work, i heard the terrible news on the radio.  while i was  driving to work, i heard the terrible news on the radio. 


2)   rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a present participle 


1.              she was talking to her friend  and forgot everything around her.

talking to her friend  and forgot everything around her.

2.  since we watch the news every day  we know what's going on in the world.

watching the  news every day  we know what's going on in the world.

3.  they are vegetarians  and don't eat meat.

being  vegetarians, they  don't eat meat.

4.  the dog wagged its tail  and bit the postman.

wagging its  tail, the dog  bit the postman.

5.  while she was tidying up her room  she found some old photos.

tidying up her room  she found some old photos.

6.  he was a good boy  and helped his mother in the kitchen.

being a    good boy, he helped his mother in the kitchen.

7.  as they didn't have enough money  they spent their holidays at home last year.

not having  enough money,  they spent their holidays at home last year.

8. the man was sitting in the cafe.  was he  reading a paper?

was the man  sitting in the cafe  reading a paper?

9.  since i didn't feel well  i didn't go to the cinema.

not feeling well,  i didn't go to the cinema.

10.  she walked home  and met an old friend.

walking home,she  met an old friend.

11.  we switched off the lights  before we went to bed.

  switching off the lights, we went to bed


3)   rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a perfect participle.


1. the boy asked his mother's permission  and then went out to play.

having asked  his mother's permission, the boy  went out to play.

2.  as he had drunk too much, he didn't drive home himself.

having drunk  too much, he didn't drive home himself.

3.  we have written two tests today, so we are very exhausted.

having written  two tests today, we are very exhausted.

4.  she filled the washing machine  and switched it on.

having filled  the washing machine, she  switched it on.

5.  she had been to the disco the night before  and overslept in the morning.

having been  to the disco the night before, she  overslept in the morning.

6.  we had worked in the garden all day  and were sunburned in the evening.

having worked    in the garden all day, we  were sunburned in the evening.

7.  she had not slept for two days  and therefore wasn't able to concentrate.

not having  slept for two days, she  therefore wasn't able to concentrate.

8.  since i had not seen him for ages, i didn't recognize him.

not havıng seen  him for ages, i didn't recognize him.

9.  i had not ridden a horse for a long timeand found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.

not havıng    ridden a horse for a long time, i̇ found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.

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