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Определить временную форму и залог сказуемого 1. modern telephone systems meet the individual requirements. 2. we have been testing the equipment since the beginning of the year. 3. investigations and researches are held in 63 research laboratories and scientific groups that are united in the mtuci research center. 4. during recent years, atm has continued to grow in the fiber-optic community under high standards for performance set by international telecommunications union (itu). 5. developing countries are rapidly expanding the reach of their telephone systems in underserved and unserved areas. 6. each letter of the alphabet will have its own "miscellaneous" file. 7. some years later the crystal detectors of the wireless era were replaced by radio tubes. 8. new thermal power station will be designed by our engineers.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1meet время -present simple, залог активный (active voice) 2 had been testing время -  past perfect continuous, активный залог  active voice 3 are held, are united время-present simple, пассивный залог  passive voice 4 has continued to grow составное глагольное сказуемое время -  present perfect, активный залог -active voice 5 are expanding время - present continuous, активный залог  active voice 6 will have время - простое будущее  future simple, активный залог active voice 7 were replaced время-  past simple, пассивный залог  passive voice 8 will be designed время -  future simple,пассивный залог  passive voice





5. пальцы(




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