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Надо написать 5 вопросительных предложений с "or"

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. do you like tea or coffee? 2. did he play tennis or football? 3. will you buy a car or a plane? 4. is he a doctor or a teacher? 5. are you reading or resting?

Is he doctor or an engineer? is he wonam or an man? it is easy or an hard? you jarry or tom? is she singer or an agent?


1. He left quite early but he hasn't arrived yet.

2. We haven't seen each other since we left school.

3. Have you ever written a poem?

4. She has never been to Istanbul.

5. I lent him €50 last week, but he hasn't paid me back yet.

6. I don't see them often but  I've known them for ten years.

7. What year did you leave school?

8. We're lost. We have already been down this road twice.

9. I sent her an email last week, but she hasn't replied yet.

10. They have lived in that house since 1980.


1 A How long have you been at university?

  B I started two years ago. I’m in my third year now.

  A Do you live with your parents?

  B I lived with then for the first two years but then I moved into a student hostel last September and I’ve lived there since then.

2. A Has your bother found a job jet?

   B Yes, he’s just started work in a hotel

3. A Have you ever been to Nobu – that new Japanese restaurant?

   B Yes, we went there for my birthday

   A What was it like?

   B The food was fantastic but it cost a fortune!

Когда мы говорим о действиях в без указания времени совершения действия, то используем Present Perfect. В предложении могут быть слова yet, already, never/ever, just.

А Past Simple употребляется, когда мы называем точное время совершения действия.

Present Perfect употребляется, когда действие продолжается в настоящем или произошло в еще не законченный период времени (в предложении есть слова today, this week/month и т.п.). Past Simple употребляется, когда действие уже закончилось и не имеет связи с настоящим и в предложении есть слова yesterday / last week/ two days ago и др.

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