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Язвичайно  їм 2—3 рази на день по буднях і 4 рази — у вихідні. тому що в мене не завжди є можливість пообідати, коли я в школі. у мене звичайно сніданок, ланч, обід і вечеря чи чай. вранці багато моїх друзів просто закусують, а не їдять щільно. але мій сніданок завжди щільний, і я сні о 7 годині. це звичайно яєчня з беконом. потім бутерброди з маслом і сиром чи ковбасою, чи іноді з варенням. потім я п’ю чай чи каву. ланч у мене звичайно о 12 годині. я починаю його з фруктового соку. потім я їм овочевий салат і знову бутерброди чи пиріжки з чаєм.обід о 3 чи 4 годині. на обід у мене звичайно суп чи борщ, а на друге — м’ясо чи риба з великою кількістю овочів. на десерт я часто п’ю компот чи їм желе. і, нарешті, вечеря. вечеря о 7 чи 8 вечора. моя мама звичайно готує смажену рибу і картопляне пюре, біфштекс і омлет. і, звичайно, салат. потім я ві перевагу склянці теплого молока з печивом. іноді перед сном я п’ю апельсиновий сік чи їм яблуко.i usually  have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. because i don’t often have an opportunity to have a dinner when i’m at school. my meals are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper or tea. some of my friends have a snack rather than a meal in the morning. but my breakfast is a full meal and i have it at 7 o’clock. it is usually bacon and eggs. afterwards come sandwiches with butter and cheese or sausages, or sometimes jam.then i drink tea or coffee. i have lunch at about 12 o’clock. it starts with fruit juice. then i have a vegetable salad and sandwiches again or pies with tea. dinner is at three or four o’clock. for dinner i have soup or borsch for starter, and meat or fish with a lot of vegetables for main course. for dessert i often have stewed fruit or jelly. and at last supper. it is at seven or eight. my mother usually cooks fried fish and mashed potatoes, beefsteak and omelette. and salads, of course. then i prefer a glass of warm milk with biscuits. sometimes before going to bed i drink orange juice or eat an apple.

English happens to be the first language widely spoken by people all over the world, which makes people think that every person should learn english. although not every country has english as its official language, i believe it will happen in the future.         in my opinion, everybody should learn english nowadays, and the earlier a child starts learning english, the faster he will master it. to begin with, knowing english is good when you travel or if you need to show the way to the person who does not need your first language. what is more, english opens lots of career prospects.         on the other hand, some people think that learning english is a useless thing to do because it will hardly affect your career if you work in a country where english is not widely spoken.         however, i disagree with this opinion. you can get education in another country and it will increase prospects of your career. that is why, in my opinion, a child should learn english from an early age and get his education abroad.         to sum up, i think english should be learned by a child from an early age because it is the key to success in person's life, which helps the person both with career and makes the communication circle a lot bigger.

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