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На она приходит домой после обеда обычно. 2. что они делают по вечерам? 3. они сейчас плавают в море. 4. милли часто играет на саксофоне по вечерам. 5. мой отец-самый высокий в нашей семье. 6. мы не ходили вчера на пляж. 7. на кухне нет шоколада. 8. на тебе сейчас куртка одета? 9. должна ли она (вынуждена) помыть посуду? 10 сколько сахара ты съедаешь за неделю?

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Ответы на вопрос:

She comes home after dinner usually. 2. what do they do in the evenings? 3. they are now floating in the sea. 4. milli often plays the saxophone in the evenings. 5. my father is the highest in our family. 6. we did not go to the beach yesterday. 7. in the kitchen there is chocolate. 8. now you wearing a jacket? 9. should it (forced) to wash the dishes? 10 how much sugar you eat in a week?

He was reading his favourite novel all the evening   yeasterday they were cooking the super from six to seven while they were watching tv, i left the room the children were playing outside, when the rain started he was going for 2 hours  i looked out the window. a lot of people were standing near the house. when i entered the room she was crying we were skiing, but it was snowing yesterday he was busy, he was fixing the tv-set

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