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Описание любых известных людей на желательно с переводом

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The way we look means much in our lives. people usually  judge  us  by1appearances2.  so it takes much time to look well. so there are a lot of  medical services3  which help keep beauty. the variety of cosmetics is great. and so it is important to know how you should describe   appearances. i’d like to tell you some words about me. i am 30,but everyone says that i  don’t look my age  4. i    take much care over my appearance5  and i  have aged quite well6. i am of  medium height and built7. i do a lot of sport and so i look slim. my hair is wavy and blond. my nose is straight and eyes are blue. my ears are not big, the face is oval. what i don’t like in myself   is  freckles8.  they  always come in spring. my friends sometimes call me a «typical blonde». i should admit that this style  is close to me9. i  take after10  my granny. she looked just like me when she was young. i prefer dresses, skirts and romantic style. i try always to be  well dressed11.to tell the truth12  i devote much time for my appearance and spend much money for it. i’d like to add some words about my character. i am  even-tempered13,  rather  reserved14,calm and moderst. sometimes i can  lose my temper15  and become either angry or sad. at these moments i like staying alone and sometimes i  retire into my shell16.  but i have a lot of friends. i am opened for everything new,  appreciate people for17  honesty and justice. i like to laugh and to joke. i have a good sense of humour. but remember that  appearances can be deceptive18.  and you mustn’t judge  people by the first  impression19.

1. dreams

2. business

3. restaurant

4. knowledge

5. outside


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