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Найди правильный вопрос к слову в кавычках he was presented "a tv-set" yesterday a) what was presented him yesterday? b) what was him presented yesterday? c) what was present to him yesterday? d) what was he presented yesterday? e) what he was presented yesterday? если можно, объясните ответ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

D), определённо именно это. можно. после специального слова почти всегда ставится глагол, коим является слово "was". , это всё. за внимание. 

1. look! the children are jumping.2. the cat is sleeping now.3. my friend and i aren't dancing now.4. dave is reading now.5. look! i am swimming. 4.  1. can i speak to brad, please? i'm sorry, he's feeding his pet now.2. can i speak to paul, please? i'm sorry, he's doing his homework now.3. what about kelly? no, sorry, she's walking her pet in the park now.4. can i speak to jenny then? sorry, she's washing  the dishes now.5. can i speak to alice or alex, please? i'm sorry, they're paying tennis now. 5. make up negative sentences in present progressive.• sam is not  sitting on  the sofa  • the cats are not playing • my mother is not cooking• her friends are not reading 6. make up questions.• is tom drinking  coffee now ? • are the boys  playing now ? • is the girl skipping now? • tare cats eating the fish?

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