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Ответы на вопрос:

1)what do you do? 2)you're interested? 3)you're interested? 4)how many are you doing? 5)and what else would you like to do?

Present continuous, present simple, present perfect). 1. the football match … (starts) at 6.30 tomorrow evening. 2. andrew … (has read) hamlet but he … (has never, seen) it performed. 3. martha is not crying. she … (is peeling) onions. 4. my aunt … (is always, leaving) her dirty dishes on the table. 5. sandy's boyfriend … (plays) golf. this is the first time i … (have not, seen) him on the golf course. 6. dick is strange ever since he … (had) an accident. 7. a new play … (appears) at the theatre next week. 8. you look frozen! how long … (have you been standing) out here in the cold? 9. it … (usually, snows) every day in winter in this part of the country. 10. malcolm is tired because he … (has been travelling) all day. 11. linda … (is constantly, making) long calls on the phone. she … (is staying) with her family at the moment. 12. i … (am seeing) roger next friday. his plane … (arrives) at 9 p.m. 13. bryan … (has been) to denmark many times, he … (speaks) quite good danish. 14. phil … (has never, visited) his aunt suzy who … (lives) in new zealand. 15. alex … (has just, offered) me a job. i … (am meeting) him on monday morning. 16. michael … (has been running) a small business for three years. i … (have not, seen) him for ages. 17. tracy … (is smelling) flowers. i … (think) they … (smell) good. 18. i … (have phoned) you three times. — you see, i … (have not, translated) the text so far. i … (have been doing) the translation all day. 19. i … (have always, prefered) coffee to tea. 20. this is the best restaurant i … (have visited) in my life.

Популярно: Английский язык