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Заполните пропуски, используя слова под чертой (слова даны в нужной форме): 1. macroeconomics analyzes economy . 2. tourism develops more and in southern europe than in northern europe. 3. we don't know the for the manager's decision to two more workers. 4. coca-cola is one of the producers of soft drinks its main is pepsi-cola. however, i don't see between drinks produced by them. 5. the manager doesn't with the task of introducing the new product to the market. 6. the crop did not grow well last year as the weather were not proper for it. 7. rice, wheat does not require warm climate conditions. 8. as grows prices become lower. 9. the of dependence of agriculture on is higher than that of other industries. to engage, competitor, as a whole, condition (2), to cope, difference, supply, leading, rapidly, reason, unlike, successfully, degree, natural.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. macroeconomics analyzes economy as a whole. 2. tourism develops more and more rapidly in southern europe than in northern europe. 3. we don't know the reason for the manager's decision to engage two more workers. 4. coca-cola is one of the leading producers of soft drinks its main competitor is pepsi-cola. however, i don't see any  difference between drinks produced by them. 5. the manager doesn't cope with the task of introducing the new product to the market. 6. the crop did not grow well last year as the weather conditions were not proper for it. 7. unlike rice, wheat does not require warm climate conditions. 8. as supply grows prices become lower. 9. the degree of dependence of agriculture on the weather is higher than that of other industries.

В21 веке всё быстрее и быстрее будет развиваться наука и технический прогресс всё больше будет радовать нас. но гораздо интересней что будет с культурой человеческой души.   ритм жизни ускоряется и за спешкой мы всё чаще упускаем сам процесс проживания. каждый день у нас школа потом кружки, секции потом работа и т.д. мы перестаём говорить в живую всё чаще в социальных сетях, а если и говорим то зачастую мало и сухо. задайте себе вопрос когда вы последний раз общались с бабушкой, дедушкой не по телефону а в живую, за столом не торопясь, всем сердцем впитывая опыт старшого поколения. не припомните? вот так-то. близкие скоро уйдут у вас мало времени по буд-те с ними

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