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Закончите предложения, используя соответствующие формы глаголов. 1)i don't need to worry about my homework /last night) 2)i haven't got a playstation any more /in june) 3) mum is angry with me a window/a week ago)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i don't need to worry about my homework because i did it last night 2) sold it in june 3) i broke a window a week ago

1   this naughty boy to our school?               a) enrolled b) relieved c) wrote

2. about two hundred pupils live and study in this _ a) day school    b) boarding school c) gym

3. is it your snake a) droning      b) hissing c) buzzing

4. our school building has a big and light_.  a) nursery b) outing c) canteen

5. pupils can play and talk during _. a) an exam b) a break c) a term

6 my brother has long poem by heart.          a) studied b) learnt c) read

7_ how did you _ it out? — my mother told me every­thing.        a) know b) find c) learn

8. the the clouds. a) vanished b) appeared c) disappeared

9. what ! you should tidy it up immediately!   a) terrific b) smart c) messy

10. this . if i were you, i wouldn't take it.    a) rotten b) solid c) smart

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