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1)it was raining the whole day(heavy) 2)your drives me mad(lazy) 3)my is mozart(compose) 4)there is any coffee left(hard) 5) sam is in his job(profession) 6)you should think of when you ride in a car(save) 7)the species of some animals are disappearing )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. heavily 2. laziness 3.  composition 5. professional 6. safety 7. gradually

1. a group of dogs   = a pack of dogs

2. a person who keeps animals = a farmer

3. the disability of hearing = deafness

4.a lovely animal = a pet

5. the disability of seeing colours = colour-blindness

6.to do what you are told = to obey

7. having a great worth/value = valuable или precious

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