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Вставить слова do и does a) go to school? go to school? cildren have englih every day? frind help his mother about the house? b) who__the cooking in your family? -my granny and my washing-up after dinner? - who feeds the cat? -my ironing on weekdays? -my mother and who goes shopping on weekend? -my

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) do you go to school? does bill go to school? do the children have english every day? does your friend help his mother about the house? b) who does the cooking in your family? - my granny and my mother do. who does the washing up after dinner? - i do. who feeds the cat? - my sister does. who does the ironing on weekends? - my mother and i do. who goes shopping on weekend? - my father does.

A) do you go to school? does bill go to school? do the children have english every day? does your friend help his mother about the house? b) who does the cooking in your family? -my granny and my mother do. who does the washing-up after dinner? -i do who feeds the cat? -my sister does. who does the ironing on weekdays? -my mother and i do. who goes shopping on weekend? -my father does.

dear hema,

i’m going to visit my grandmother this holidays. she lives in sasovo, ryazan. i haven’t seen her for too months, well not counting the time when i was talking to her by skype. it’ll take us 12 hours to get there. last time i visited her was 5 years ago. i’m planning on to go fishing with my father and my brothers. the river we go to is very beautiful! if you climb on a hill, you’ll definitely see an island, which isn’t far. there’s also a beach here, so you’ll have to go fishing in the early morning. and after fishing, we’ll go back home and to have barbecue! but, we’re not going there alone, my father’s friend is also going there to help my grandmother with planting vegetables and stuff. hope to hear about your plans on holiday soon!


your friend.

надеюсь !

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