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Заполните пробелы соответствующими словами, где это необходимо 1. i . he was reading newspaper. said that he wanted two candies. 3. is there anybody else in waiting-room? — wants to speak to you. 4. where -case? i put it . 5. is enquiry office at this airport? 6. could you , please? i knocking. 7. let's . you gave me . 9.1 like to be of everything. 10. i headache after i had .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i saw_a_man in__the_armchair at_the__window. he was reading __a_ newspaper. said that he wanted two candies. 3. is there anybody else in _the_ waiting-room? — yes,_a__man wants to speak to you. 4. where is__the_brief-case? i put it on__the_table. 5. is there_an_. enquiry office at this airport? 6. could you open_the__door, please? i see__a_girl knocking. 7. let's make__a_speech at_the__reception. you gave me helped__a_lot. 9.1 like to be in__the_centre of everything. 10. at_the__night i had__a_terrible headache after i had drunk_a_lot in__the_evening.

16. When Tom crossed the street, he fell in a puddle.

17. The plane took off at 5 o'clock.

18. He was happy because he had repaired the car.

19. when the teacher entered the classroom, the students waited for him for an hour.

20. He will join us when we go out of town.

21. Look! He's going to clean his room.

22. They will spend their holidays at home.

23. Tickets will be sold later.

24. Tea was served at 5 o'clock.

25. English is spoken all over the world.

26. He said that he has known the Smiths for 2 years.

27. We knew that they lived far from the city center.

28. She promised that she would bring the book tomorrow.

29. I didn't understand. Should I go to the store?

30. Stray dogs can bite your child

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