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Поставьте предложения в вопросительной и отрицатель ной формах. 1. we were able to read that article in the library. 2. some students will be permitted to take exams in december. 3. you have to read this book. 4. we shall be able to skate in winter. 5. my friend is to take part in the conference. 6. the students of our group had to go to the plant last week. 7. they were allowed to continue their research.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.were we able to read the article in the library? we weren't able to read the article in the library. 2.will be some students permitted to take exams in december? some students won't permitted to take exams in december. 3.have you have to read this book? you haven't have to read this book. 4.shall we able to skate in winter? we shall not able to skate in winter. 5.is my friend took part in the conference? my friend isn't take part in the conference. 6.are the students of our group had to go to the plant last week? the students of our group hadn't go to the plant last week. 7.were they allowed to continue their research? they weren't allowed to continue their research.

Мне очень нравится учиться в своей школе, потому что она красивая и в ней работают опытные педагоги. Каждый день, проведенный в школьных стенах, проходит быстро и легко.

Ежедневно встав рано утром, я бегу с нетерпением в школу, где в восемь часов начинаются наши уроки. Но перед тем, как прозвенит звонок на урок, наша Анна Петровна, включает подвижную музыку и проводит зарядку, что дает нам заряд бодрости на предстоящий день.

Источник: Сочинение на тему Мой день в школе

Популярно: Английский язык