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Ответить на вопрос, надо vii. прочитайте абзац 2 и ответьте письменно на вопрос: who used auctions to sell surplus property to collect money for their leaders? in the 5th century, the greeks held auctions to sell women for the purpose of marriage. the romans were the first to organize sales of goods at auction. the chinese used auctions to sell surplus property to raise money for their religious leaders and temples.

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The chinese used auctions to sell surplus property to collect money for their leaders.

1. i am not drinking coffee now. i am writin an english exercise. 2. i don't drink coffee in the evening. i drink coffee in the morning. 3. is your friend doing his homework now? 4. does your friend go to school in the morning? 5. look! the baby is sleeping. 6. the baby always sleeps after dinner. 7. my grandmother doesn't work. she is on pension. 8. my father is not sleeping now. he is working in the garden.9. i usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. 10. what is your sister doing now? she is washing her face and hands. 11. when do you usually come home from school? i come at 3 o'clock. 12.does work 13. does study, studies 14. goes 15. is not playing. plays.

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