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Say it in russian. 1) hurry up! - 2) we all rushed downstairs. - 3) we all picked up our dags. - 4) she turned the key in tne lock. - 5) mum unlocked the car. - 6) we put on our seatbelts. - 7) can we have the radio on, please. -

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) hurry up! - 2) we all rushed downstairs. - .мы все поспешили вниз.. 3) we all picked up our bags. - ..мы все взяли свои сумки. 4) she turned the key in tne lock. - .она повернула ключ в замке  .. 5) mum unlocked the car. - ..мама открыла машину. 6) we put on our seatbelts. - .мы пристегнулись.. 7) can we have the radio on, please. - .можно включить

Первое: if he has a toothache he goes to the dentist второе: if he has a toothache he will go to the dentist третье: if he had a toothache he would go to the dentist

Популярно: Английский язык