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Переведите предложения на язык, используя perfect. 1. вы были за границей? 2. он только что закончил работу? 3. вы уже сделали заказ? 4. вы заказали билеты на самолет по телефону? 5. вы когда-нибудь видели этого человека? 6. что вы выбрали на десерт? 7. вы пробовали клубничное мороженное? 8. вы были когда-нибудь в нашем ресторане раньше? 9. вы уже закончили свой обед? 10. официанты уже накрыли столы?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. were you abroad? 2. did he just make off work? 3. did you do an order already? 4. did you book a ticket on an airplane by phone? 5. did you see this man some time? 6. what did you choose on a dessert? 7. did you try strawberry frozen? 8. were you some time in our restaurant before? 9. did you already make off the dinner? 10. did waiters cover tables already?

1) i left the house in the morning at 7 hours 30 minutes to manage to reach school2) occupations at school came to an end at me at 13 hours 00 minutes3) i reached school on foot4) sometimes happened that i was late in school because long i gathered5) on additional classes i never remained6) english i had 3 hours per week7) best of all i was given russian, it also was my favourite subject8) -9) worst of all i was given mathematics, i never loved it10) most of all i liked to communicate at school with my schoolmates, we have very amicable and cheerful class11) least of all i liked to go at school to physics lessons because it hard was given me12) most of all homeworks to us the mathematics teacher set13) i always actively participated in sports life of school, protected honor of school at track and field athletics and short track competitions14) my favourite teacher is my class teacher because she spent dreams a lot of time and brought up as the children15) - 16) in the future i want to enter the institute, to finish it and to work in the specialty

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