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Как перевести текст на язык по правилам грамматики.( нужен перевод) моя биография. меня зовут инга, мне 17 лет. я родилась 8 июня 1997 года в кич -городке вологодской области. мою маму зовут галиной по профессии она бухгалтер. моего папу зовут василий по профессии он техник лесного и лесопаркового хозяйства. у меня есть сестра аня и брат саша. в первый класс я пошла в школу в деревне гаражи и с первого по пятый класс я училась в классе одна. потом нашу школу закрыли и нас стали возить в другую школу, там я нашла много друзей и со всеми подружилась, там я училась с 6 по 8 класс. в 9 класс я пошла в другую школу так как мы переехали с семьёй в другое место. сейчас я являюсь студенткой второго курса в вологодском техникуме железнодорожного транспорта.

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My biography.  my name is inga, i am 17 years old. i was born on june 8, 1997 in the kitsch - the town of the vologda region. my mother is called galina she is an accountant. my father is called vasily he is the technician of forest and forest-park economy. i have a sister ania and the brother sasha. in the first class i went to school in the village garages and with first on the fifth class i studied in a class one. then our school was closed and we began to be carried in other school, there i found many friends and with all made friends, there i studied with 6 on 8 class. in the 9th class i went to other school as we moved with a family to other place. now i am the student of the second year in the vologda technical school of railway transport.

Charlie chaplin plays an escaped criminal  who steals pastor's  clothes  to get rid of his prison uniform. at the railway  station, he randomly chooses a route and goes totexas. coincidentally, the local parishioners are just waiting for a new pastor and take him for a fugitive by mistake. charlie holds his first service and then goes home to mother and daughter the  browns where he must live. in the street, he faces his former cellmate, who comes to the  browns and steals their money. however, charlie finds it and returns the stolen money their owners. by this time, the local sheriff recognizes him and arrests the criminal, but does not send him  to prison, and he  brings him  to mexican border and lets him go.

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