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Составьте предложения со словами escare,impress,threat,discuss.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. не понимаю перевод , оно неправильно написано)2. she impressed the damp clay with her seal.

3. members of her family have received death threats.

4.  i discussed the matter with my mother.

1. the hurricane caused terrible destruction in the area. 2. you have to classify all the new books that arrive in the school. 3. i'm sorry, i think i'll be unable  to attend the meeting. 4. she goes jogging every morning; she's really keen on physical fitness. 5. fortunately, nobody was killed in the accident. 6. he's quite nice, but when he's angry he becomes very unfriendly. 7. the equator is an imaginary line drawn round the earth. 8. i really like her. she's got a very lovely personality 9. tell me the truth, i won't get angry. 10. she likes her students to be respective and call her miss jones. 11. you must take a decision as soon as possible. 12. curiosity killed the cat. 13. i decline all responsibilities  14. this design shows great originality 15.you're making the problem unnecessarily hard for you.

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