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Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. cattle … kept for their meat. a) is b) are 2. she was wearing shorts which … too big for her. a) was b) were 3. … are my favourite flowers. a) forgets-me-not b) forget-me-nots c) forgets-me-nots 4. twenty five hours … a long time in politics. a) is b) are 5. his experience of travel … limited. a) is b) are 6. the information … classified as “top secret”. a) were b) was 7. his experiences in africa … used to write his book. a) were b) was 8. he caught three … in this lake. a) fish b) fishes 9. the car is … of transport. a) means b) a mean c) a means

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)a 2)b 3)вроде a 4)a 5)a 6)b 7)a 8)b 9)b

Задание 1.

1) d

2) d

3) a

4) c

5) d

Задание 2.

1) b

2) a

3) b

4) a

5) a


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