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Fill in the gap with the correct answer: halloween or hallowe'en (a contraction of «all hallows' evening») is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on october 31. typical festive halloween activities include … . а) … explosion of fireworks. б) … choosing sweethearts and exchanging love-tokens. в) … a small family reunion, when absent sons and daughters return to their homes, and gifts are made to mothers on the fourth in lent sunday. г) … trick-or-treating, a customary celebration for children who go from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, «trick or treat»?

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Г) бла бла бла, нужно что-то написать, чтобы ответ приняли ~

Здесь используем время Present Simple, так как тут показаны регулярные действия.


1. In the morning Kevin gets up early, has breakfast and goes to school.

2.  In the afternoon Kevin has a lunch, does homework, goes to the gym, plays computer games and meets his friends.

3. In the evening Kevin has dinner, watches TV and goes to bed.

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