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Сочинение на анлийском языке "me ideal is me mother"

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Everyone in the the world has their own ideal. i will talk about my ideal. my ideal is my mother. she is my ideal of woman, of mother, of wife and a person as well.   you may ask why i have chosen my mom for an ideal? well i will try to answer to your question by describing my mom to you. first of all she is very beautiful woman, and i want to be  as she is when i will be in the same age as she is. she also very kind, she always tries to help everyone who is asking for help. i think that helping others is one of the best quality that should have everyone, because it will make world better. another point, why i want to be as my mother just because she is very smart woman, and very friendly. she has lots of friends who loves her so much, they says that she is one of the best women in the world and i do believe them, and of course i'm proud of her. next? what is next? well, my mom achieved all her dreams, she made her dreams come true by herself. that's what makes me be proud of her, she always achieve her goals and she tries to teach me how to be as successful as she is.  finally, like any other child, i can't imagine the woman closer and better than my mom. you may still ask me, why have i chosen my mom as an ideal, i will answer you: just because she is my mom

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