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Нужно перевести 1) когда впервые были экзотические животные в зоопарк? (в 13 веке) 2) кто получил животных в подарок? (генрих 3) 3) король какой страны подарил полярного медведя генриху iii? (король норвегии) 4) что нравилось делать медведю в темзе? (ловить рыбу) 5) кому подарили первую зебру в великобритании? (королеве шарлотте) 6) где держали зебру? ( рядом с букингемским дворцом) 7) сколько детенышей родила самка жирафа в течении 5 лет? (пятерых)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) when you first were brought exotic animals in the zoo? (13th century) 2) who got the animal as a gift? (henry 3) 3) the king of which country gave the polar bear henry iii? (king of norway) 4) what do you like to do a bear in the thames? (fish) 5) who gave the first of a zebra in the uk? (queen charlotte) 6) where to keep zebra? (close to buckingham palace) 7) how many young female giraffe gave birth within 5 years? (five)

1) when exotic animals were for the first time brought to a zoo? (in the 13th century) 2) who received animals as a gift? (heinrich 3) 3) what king of the country presented a polar bear to henry iii? (king of norway) 4) what it was pleasant to do to a bear in the thames? (to catch fish) 5) to whom presented the first zebra in great britain? (queen charlotte) 6) where held a zebra? (near buckingham palace) 7) how many cubs were given birth by a giraffe female within 5 years? (five)

  i was born here.i was seven, when i went to school. i had my best friend in playschool, his/her name is  (имя лучшего друга из садика). i had my first phone, when i was six. i had a  very cool cycle, but it broke.it was black and white.i had rabbit, he died but my mom said, that they buy new pet for me.

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