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Every nation living on earth has its own history, traditions and, of course, features of the national cuisine. a cuisine is a certain set of cooking traditions passed on from generation to generation. a cuisine is often named after the place where it originated. the choice of ingredients depends on the region or country.kuhnya southern provinces of france (provence, languedoc, basco, gascony) is characterized by the exigencies of food, the use of wine and spices, especially garlic and onions in large quantities. residents of coastal use in your kitchen more seafood: fish, crabs, lobsters, crayfish, krevetok.provansalskaya kitchen unthinkable without olive oil, tomatoes, artichokes and fragrant mountain trav.travy provence - adopter of the cooking southern french blend of dried herbs. cheeses in france not less than five hundred, and not to get lost in this variety, we turn to the classification of cheeses on the feedstock and consistency.

a house                                                  an apple

a cat                                                     an elephant

a bed                                                      an egg

a door                                                     an arm

a cloud                                                    an animal

a dollar                                                    an orange

a hat                                                        an hour

a toy                                                         an American

a school                                                   an umbrella  

a parent                                               an  aunt (an uncle)      

a doctor                                                 an engineer

a bird                                                     an eagle

a mistake                                               an error

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