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Ясчитаю, что здоровье человека зависит от его образа жизни. для того чтобы не болеть, нужно соблюдать несколько простых правил: заниматься спортом, правильно питаться, полноценно отдыхать и чаще бывать на свежем воздухе. мне 15 лет, и из них 3 последних года я делаю по утрам зарядку. это придаёт мне бодрости и сил на весь день. зимой я добавляю обливание холодной водой. считаю закаливание самым главным способом сохранения здоровья. мои любимые зимние виды спорта это бег на лыжах и катание на коньках. летом я предпочитаю бегать в парке и играть в большой теннис. круглый год я посещаю бассейн два раза в неделю. плаванье укрепляет дыхательную систему. также я стараюсь соблюдать режим. я ложусь и встаю в одно и то же время каждый день. особое внимание я уделяю питанию. я не ем жирную и высококалорийную пищу, и не пью сильно газированных напитков. в моём возрасте некоторые сверстники уже курят и употребляют алкогольные напитки, но я считаю, что это разрушительно для организма и если не сейчас, то в будущем обязательно скажется на здоровье. перевод

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Ibelieve that the health of a person depends on his lifestyle. in order not to hurt, you need to follow a few simple rules: exercise, eat right, relax and spend more time outdoors. i'm 15 years old, and from them the last 3 years i do exercises every morning. it gives me courage and strength for the whole day. in the winter i add a dousing of cold water. consider hardening the main way of preserving health. my favorite winter sport is skiing and skating. in the summer i prefer to run in the park and play tennis. all year round i go to the pool twice a week. swimming strengthens the respiratory system. i also try to observe the regime. i go to bed and get up at the same time every day. i give special attention to nutrition. i don't eat fatty and high calorie food and drink heavily carbonated drinks. at my age, some peers already smoke and drink alcoholic beverages, but i think that this is destructive for the body and if not now, then in the future will necessarily affect health.

i   like spring very much, spring is a fine season. the weather is good. it is warm. the sky is blue. the sun is shining. the grass, trees and bushes are green. in the fields there are many bright flowers: white, red and yellow. the birds fly back from the warm countries and sing their beautiful songs. i like to go for a walk in the forest and listen to the birds` songs.

you can see many children in the streets and in the yards. they run, jump, play football and ride bicycles.

i like winter because it`s time for fun. winter games are the most amusing. my friends and i play snowballs and we don`t care our hands are cold and our mittens are wet. we just play in the snow and don`t care that our parents will be angry. we also make snowmen with a carrot for a nose and potatoes for eyes, with a bucket on the head and with sticks for arms. we like to feed little birds hopping from here to there looking for food. it`s great to help them! we enjoy skiing, skating, sleigh riding.

i like winter because i have winter holidays! they are the longest holidays in a school year! cool!

my favourite season is summer. the sky is blue. the sun is bright. the trees are green. i like to pick up the flowers. they are yellow, red, blue. we go to the forest. the birds sing there.

i like summer because it`s warm and hot. when it`s hot, i and my friends go to kubenskoye lake to swim and dive. we play tennis, football and volleyball.

my summer holidays are always funny

autumn is a good season. it begins in september and ends in november. i love autumn but summer holidays are over.

i don`t love autumn weather as it is not very good. it is cold and i must go to school five days a week.

but i do love autumn!

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