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Прошу..переведите на 1. мы знаем, что руда – это порода, земля и т.п., из которых можно получать металл. 2. повысившаяся рентабельность производства нефти к увеличению вложений в новые нефтяные месторождения (oil fields), особенно в северном море, что ослабило контроль опек над мировыми запасами. 3. мы знаем, что компания british gas добывает газ рентабельно в мелкой части северного моря.

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1.we know that ore - its a rock, earth and etc. from which you can get iron. 2. improved profitability of oil production has led to increased investment at new oil fields. especially in the north sea what weakened опек control all  over the world reservers 3. we know that british gas company get gas very cost-effective at the small part of north sea.

Dating in the 19..s best very structured.the dating rules best firmly established.boys and girls usually beginer dat-ing in high school. of course, they needer  their parents permission. many teenagersbeer even chaperoned accompanieder byparentser. the boy meeter his datesparents and talkest with them for a lit-tle while. then, the young couple usually leaver for a movie, and a soda and snack,which the boy payer for. the young peo-ple observer curfews and sayestb  goodnight at the front door.  текст 2:   in the 19..s dating best far morecasual. children the begin datingin junior high school, and many young-sters havest steady girlfriends orboyfriends. the younger couples mayber escorted by their parents, butas soon as they ber in highschool, couples rebelest at the ideaof being chaperoned. dutch treat dating best acceptable and because ofthe teens limited finances, it occurer  quite frequently. girls call boys and askender for dates. theyeven payest for dates. curfews best observed only in a few families.today, teenagers haveer more inde- pendence in all aspects of dating.

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