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What book the story you've read comes from? what do you know about the author of the book? what is the title of the story? what is the story about? name the characters and say if you like them what is the end of the story? what is the main idea and how do you understand it? did you like the story? why?

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i have read "ruslan and ludmila". the author of this story is pushkin. the main idea is an eternal love. i like this story because my hobby is reading.

Hello my friend, i want to tell you about my city environmental problems and how you can get rid of them.i believe that the main problems of my city is the pollution of water and air. to get rid of this, you need to smoke less, instead avtobiley often ride bikes and do not pollute rivers, lakes. we need to take the old magazines and newspapers, plastic and glass bottles for recycling. so we will save more trees and fresh air.another problem is the pollution of the streets of minsk. to prevent this from happening, you need to throw garbage in the garbage cans, not on the ground. i think that minsk is not a lot of environmental problems, compared with other countries. and our city is more contaminated due to human. i believe that if together we will take care of the nature, we will make minsk clean country.

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