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Закончите предложения. используйте слова: on the walls, in the living room, in the floor , in the corner , in the bedroom , round the table , in the bathroom , in the kitchen , under the bed , in the study. 1 there is a big table 2 there is a new computer 3 there are beautiful pictures 4 there is a bad 5 there are chair 6 there are toys 7 there is a thick carpet 8 there is a comfortable sofa 9 there is a bath 10 there is a washing machine 11 there is a small 12 there are funny posters

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. in the kitchen. ( на кухне большой стол) 2.in the study. ( в кабинете новый компьютер) 3. on the walls. (на стенах красивые картины) 4.there is a bed in the bedroom. ( в спальне кровать) 5 there are chairs round the table. (здесь стулья вокруг стола) 6. under the bed. (под кроватью игрушки) 7. in the floor . ( на полу ковер) 8.in the living room. ( удобная софа в гостиной) 9. in the bathroom. (в ванной комнате ванная) 10. in the bathroom/ in the corner. ( стиральная машина в ванной/в углу) 11. in the corner( маленький книжный шкаф в углу) 12. in the kitchen

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