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"легко ли делить комнату с соседом? " нужно на эту тему составить 8-10 предложений. заранее ))

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We live in a communal apartment.apartment 2-bedroom, one bathroom ours, another family friend. kitchen, bath, toilet, corridor naturally shared.but here's balcony years 15 is divided into two parts: one of our other.exit to the balcony there is only from our room. out of their rooms, and generally do not have windows to the balcony. they climb through the window in the kitchen.i do not know how it happened, that was their half of the balcony (i was fine escho year was 4), only know that before there was even a father with a tape measure climbed neighbors are measured gallop them. well, quite a while so please leave them out, a year so 4 is privatized room. they all otmazyvatsya such times bath, toilet, kitchen, hallway general, the balcony too.to the lawyers did not apply (and probably in vain)attached "plan apartment," made john paint all our balcony there should be? and what the law of causality can be operated so that it and its neighbors to prove?

Rites of carnival is a very complex and versatile, combining elements of slavic mythology and folk christianity. it involves rituals relating to the cult of ancestors, and by landmark time — the beginning of a new cycle, and to the stimulation of fertility.по мнению  б.  а.  рыбакова[3] [страница  не  указана  32  дня]   в дохристианскую пору празднование масленицы было к весеннему  равноденствию , которое у многих народов является началом нового года. at the same time. dubrovsky[4][page not specified 32 days], says that a pancake rituals are purely winter and can't be celebrated in the spring. he believes that shrovetide rites went with blaise, whose "beard oil". belarus has preserved a saying: "alas baru kasam oil"[5][page not specified 32 days] (belorus.) — vlas take a ladle of oil. in polissya still wide thursday called "vlasi" or "volosi"[6]. the soviet folklorist vladimir y. propp, developing the ideas of v. mannhardt and george. frazers believed the main purpose of maslenitsa rites fertility stimulation, particularly relevant in connection with the upcoming beginning of the field work[7][page not specified 32 days]. in some places the carnival meeting has been prepared the previous saturday (motley) weeks.

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