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Заповніть пропуски в реченнях особовими займенниками в називному або в об"єктивному відмінку: 1.theresa drew a picture. beautiful. 2.gilbert is an artist. draws pictures. are very nice/ 3.was the winter cold? rattier warm. 4.i like winters frosty.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.theresa drew a picture. it was beautiful. 2.gilbert is an artist. he draws pictures. they are very nice.3.was the winter cold? no,it .was rather warm. 4.i like winters because they are frosty.

1.i don't live in moscow street. 2. do they go to shool every day? 3.the teacher teachs pupils at school. 4.pete and kate have a dog. 5.ann is a teacher. 6. does my brother works in a shop?

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