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Переведите , только можно не через переводчик in 1965 the вenetton company was formed as a partnership with luciano as chairman, his brother guilberto in charge of administration, their younger brother running production, and guiliana as chief designer. the firm’s success depends on a family structure which is now rare in italy and the rest of europe. six of their eleven children also work in the company. however, luciano has also come to include friends and colleagues in the business once they have demonstrated a solid commitment to the firm, which is why he is unconcerned about the group’s future.

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В1965  году компания вenetton образовалась в партнерстве с лучано качестве председателя, его брат guilberto в ведении администрации, их младший брат действующего производства, и guiliana как главного конструктора. успех фирмы зависит от структуры семьи, которая в настоящее время редко в италии и остальной европе. шесть из них одиннадцать детей также работают в компании. тем не менее, лучано также стало включать друзей и коллег в бизнесе, когда они продемонстрировали твердую фирмы, поэтому он не заботясь о будущем группы.


we are going to treasure treasure island now.   what do we need for this?   first of all, courage, readiness for everything.   secondly, the map.   it will show us the path leading us to this mysterious island.   so, we have our map.   let's start our journey!   now we are at the very beginning.   we are in the northwest.   first of all, we need to go down, then turn right.   we will see a cave.   then we will see aboriginal huts.   turn north and follow the right direction.   it turns out that we are on the shore of a huge sea!   on the other side we will see a magic lake, a golden fish lives there, which will tell us where to go next.   go down to the south.   there is a high-speed river here, it is very dangerous to be in this place, because harmful reptiles live here, such as snakes and others.   we successfully cope with obstacles and turn to the left.   what do we see here?   a unique tropical forest!   many bananas, mangoes, coconuts grow here.   i would like to stay in this fantastic place, but our main goal is to reach the magic island and fight for the treasure.   we go all to the left.   on the way we meet a sunny meadow.   there is a low grass, wild berries grow.   quite unexpectedly, we see our island!   the same island that we were searching for a long time.   for this we have come this dangerous path!   all our problems are behind, it remains only to pick up the treasure and return home.


прилагаю карту, немного пофантазировала, опираясь на нее.


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