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Ordinarily, she spoke with such clinical reserve. but this was different, personal. “when we looked at your paperwork, something seemed off. i took the liberty of sending it to a lab,” she continued. “andy… your writing… it’s almost a hundred percent shit.” “that can’t be,” i said. “i was writing just yesterday and it was fine.” she asked me to write a simple sentence. i did. we both looked at it. i laughed nervously. “l-let me try again.” “try some dialogue,” she encouraged. i wrote a few lines of dialogue. i can’t remember them exactly, but i remember one of the characters said something kind of lame and then the other character said, “really? ” and repeated the lame thing that the first character had said. my doctor looked at me. “really? ” she said. i hung my head in shame. “i want you to know that this is not a death sentence,” she said, her words floating all around my head like antlers i guess. “many sws patients — those who work in non-writing fields, or in marketing — can go on to live long productive lives.” “but i work in tv comedy,” i said. “believe me,” she said, “i have plenty of sws patients who work in tv comedy. just get a job on a dramedy. or one of those shows where the characters talk to the camera.” “those jobs are the hardest ones to get,” i said. “that’s so weird,” she said. “i know, right? ” i said. “’i know right? ’  that’s your punchline? really? ” she said. she pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it.


клейри: уе а йу гоин, кэти?

кэти: даунтаун. ай эм митин хелен ин халф эн аур.

клейри: бат лук эт йу. йу'р уэринг э син дресс энд сандалс. йу'р гоин ту гет соукд!

кэти: уот а йу токин эбаут?

клейри: лук эт зе биг блэк клаудс. итс дэфинэтли гоин ту рэйн.

кэти: хмм, пьохапс йу а райт. соу куд ай бороу йор коут?

клейри: ноу уээй! итс брэнд нью! уай донт йу тейк май реинкоут?

кэти: йу мин зєт хорибл йеллоу синг? ноу сенкс!

клейри: оукей, оукей, джаст траин ту

кэти: хє кєн ай бороу йор амбрелла инстед?

клейри: йес, шур о, хенг а миныт!

кэти: уат?

Популярно: Английский язык