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Сделать 1) it is late. i go home. must can need may 2) we have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you …. be on time. will can must would 3) my sight is getting worse. next year, i'm afraid, i read without glasses. can not had to may not won't be able to 4) women over there all speak chinese. those this these that 5) he decided to save some money and put in the bank. its them it their 6) this is such tasty yogurt! a an the 7) he gave me … roses. a little a few a lot much 8) if you think you’ll give me the right answer. few a little little less 9) what wonderful weather it is today! a the an 10) she has … bread. few most much many 11) his children are so nice. i am fond of …. their them they him 12) i have not met … sister. its him his me 13) everybody wants to know if you his bride. is was are had been 14) we to stay at home because it was raining. have been will has had 15) the coat 20 pounds on sale last week. would cost costs will cost cost 16) i would like some grapes for dessert. will you buy ? they them it its 17) when are you … to do this task? are finishing finished finish finishing 18) the letter sent tomorrow. does will be has am 19) we are answering questions. ours him them their 20) she usually … all materials herself. type types is typing will type 21) at 5 o'clock yesterday i to the news on the radio. was listening have listened listened were listening 22) i … to help you. can shan't be able shan't have shan't be allow 23) what magazine you looking through when i came in? have are did were 24) there is not ink in my pen. many some any few 25) you’ll need … rice if you want to make a chinese meal. much a lot many a few 26) i have … money in my pocket. many little a few you 27) he says that he … to the tape. will listen listen would listen will be listened 28) they’ve done … work on the project. much few a lot many 29) excuse me, you tell me the way to the houses of parliament, please? could must may is 30) she in the suburbs of moscow. does live is living live lives

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)must 2)must 4)this 9)  a 10) much 26)many

Countable: coffee, leaf, computer, list, job, work, language, country, money, permit, beach, weather, window, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scene, pigeon, mountain, kick, accident (но кое-какие ещё могут быть и исчисляемыми и исчисляемыми) uncountable: furniture, coffee, food, blood, job, work,  advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, traffic, weather, knowledge, air, water, damage, accommodation, scenery, bread, news, laugh, laughter  (25, но  неисчисляемыми могут быть и большее количество)

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