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Open the brackets. put the verbs into the present indefinite, the present continuous or the past indefinite. 1) a. what you ( to buy ) at the shop every day? b. what you ( to buy ) at the shop now? c. what you ( to buy ) at the shop two days ago? 2) a. they ( to play ) golf every weekend? b. they ( to play ) golf now? c. they ( to play ) golf last weekend? 3) a. what music your brother often ( to listen to ) ? b. what music your brother ( to listen to ) now? c. what music your brother ( to listen to ) yesterday evening? 4) a. this boy often ( to learn ) poems by heart? b. this boy ( to learn ) a poem by heart now? c. this boy ( to learn ) a poem by heart the oter day? 5) a. who usually ( to drive ) her to work? b. who ( to drive ) her to work now? c. who ( to drive ) her to work last tuesday? 6) a. why jim usually ( not to help ) you with maths? b. why jim ( not to help ) you with maths now? c. why jim ( not to help ) you with maths last week? 7) a. with whom his sister ( to go ) on a journey every holiday? b. with whom his sister ( to go ) on a journey last week? c. with whom his sister ( to go ) on a journey last year? 8) a. why the boys always ( to laugh ) ? b. why the boys ( to laugh ) now? c. why the boys ( to laugh ) five minutes ago?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) a. what ( do you buy ) at the shop every day? b. what ( are you buying ) at the shop now? c. what ( did you buy ) at the shop two days ago? 2) a. (do they play ) golf every weekend? b. ( are they playing ) golf now? c. ( did they play ) golf last weekend? 3) a. what music ( does your brother often listen to ) ? b. what music ( are your brother listening to ) now? c. what music ( did your brother listen to ) yesterday evening? 4) a. ( does this boy often learn ) poems by heart? b. ( is this boy learning ) a poem by heart now? c. ( did this boy learn ) a poem by heart the other day? 5) a. who usually (drives ) her to work? b. who ( is driving ) her to work now? c. who (drove ) her to work last tuesday? 6) a. why ( doesn't jim usually help ) you with maths? b. why ( isn't jim helping ) you with maths now? c. why ( didn't jim help ) you with maths last week? 7) a. with whom ( does his sister go ) on a journey every holiday? b. with whom ( did his sister go ) on a journey last week? c. with whom ( did his sister go ) on a journey last year? 8) a. why ( do the boys always laugh ) ? b. why ( are the boys laughing ) now? c. why ( did the boys laugh ) five minutes ago?

Anna: hello what's you name? . diana: my name is : diana. katya: hi girl! anna :   hi!      

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