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Проверьте и посчитайте сколько слов(их должно быть 50-60), заранее ani lorak. ani lorak is a singer. she is got lots of fans around the world. ani comes from russia. she was born of 27th of september, 1978. she is thin and she has long dark hair. ani can sing. in her songs many beautiful phrases, for example: ,, you belive me, i'dant want the sun to the other.''

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Ani was born in ukraine. и в последнем предложении я так полагаю dont (do not) должно быть.

при переводе прямой речи в косвенную, временные формы глаголов сдвигаются на шаг в прошлое, кроме следующих случаев:

1. слова автора в настоящем или будущем времени: he will say that he has been there before.

2. действие в past perfect (continuous) илиfuture-in-the-past: he said that he felt happy after he had done it.

3. обстоятельства времени не изменились: he said that he bought it yesterday.

4. выражение всегда верно: the teacher said that the sun rises in the east.

5. выражение верно длительный период времени: he said that he loves you.

6. сообщение повторяется сразу: he said that the food is delicious.

7. условные предложения 2 типа: he said that if he were you, he wouldn’t do it.

8. желаемые события: she said she wished she were younger.

9. глаголы  should, ought to: she said that he ought to quit smoking.

10. must, если это совет, предположение или приказ: he guessed that they must be at home.


временные формы  могут не изменяться в случае:

1. когда непосредственно указано время действия: they said that they began/had begun studying english in 2010.

2. когда косвенно указано время действия: she said that she met/had met him when they were neighbours.

3. когда излагающий согласен с мнением цитируемого: he said that india is a rich country.

(при несогласии: he said that india was a rich country).


при сдвиге временной формы глагола в прошлое, в косвенной речи, по ситуации, изменяются обстоятельства места и времени, местоимения, а также, происходит отстранение от эмоций:

this – that, these – those, here – there, now  - then (at that moment, at once, immediately), come – go, today – (on) that day, yesterday – the day before(earlier), tomorrow  - (on) the next (following) day, last week – the week before, ago - before(earlier), next week – the next (following) week, now that – since, so – very, yes/no – answered in the positive/negative, he  - that man, we - they.

если из прямой речи лицо не известно, используется местоимение they, а в словах автора wanted to know, wondered:

he said: “come here”. – he told them to come up to him.

he said: “where are you going? ” – he wanted to know/wondered where they were going.

кроме слова said используются глаголы, выражающие характер прямой речи:



для передачи общих вопросов используется if или whether.

вопросительные предложения с прямым порядком слов: he asked me if/whether they were at home.

в вопросительном предложении с глаголом-связкой порядок слов может быть обратным: he asked me what was the price.

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